Welcome to my first blog post! Finally, I said it! I have thought about blogging for too long and as always, the first step is the hardest. I want to share all the interesting things about the glamorous fashion industry and its not-so-glamorous truth, my knitting obsession and the creative business hustle, pop some interviews with inspirational people, and whatever seems relevant to this page. I’ve been in the fashion world for 10 years – this deserves to be celebrated! But more importantly, I should have collected some valuable knowledge. Especially as we are living in the world of oversaturated information, we do not have time to educate ourselves in every possible field. So let me make it easier for you. That being said – hopefully, something exciting and educational unfolds here. So let’s get started with the first post: the inspiration behind the first collection HONEYLAND.
Collection HONEYLAND
(in Estonian: ,,MEEMAA’’)
I made a promise to myself before creating this collection. Stop searching too desperately for inspiration and start looking at simple things around you. Past years have been rough for the people of this planet with so many things taken away from us. So many lockdowns made us stay in the same places and the same routines. In order to keep the excitement alive, I had to change my perspective and try to see beauty in every little detail around me.
My mother is a beekeeper and a gardener in the magical countryside in North Estonia. The countryside is heaven to bees, located in a deep forest, next to a river, a garden full of flowers and vegetables, and a specially harvested field for bees.
Bees are buzzing around all summer when Sun is shining and stay in when it is raining. When they no longer are satisfied with their home situation, they pack their bags and move away. Just like us, humans.
I stood between the garden and beehouses and realized how easy it is to ignore simple life events around you. The cycle from flower dust to bees’ collecting bags to placing it into honeycombs – and magically, months later the honey comes alive!
I started to look around for patterns. The honeycomb, the irregularity, and regularity of it, the way honey drips, how honey tastes, and how to translate the feeling into a drawing. The garden with rye flowers, calendula, and straight grooves between each set of plants. The hundreds of years old oak tree guarding the land. The greenhouse with grapes. All the inspiration was translated into abstract visuals with a sparkle of colour.